Monthly Archives: October 2015

Now to Now to Now…

LOVE is an endless river flowing ever from now to now to now, to Infinity, the boundless ocean, the impenetrable whole, flowing, connecting experience to energy, energy to matter, matter to spirit, spirit to soul, soul to God…
just LOVE…
“…As the great Confucius said, “The one who would be in constant happiness must frequently change.” Flow. But we keep looking back, don’t we? We cling to things in the past and cling to things in the present…Do you want to enjoy a symphony? Don’t hold on to a few bars of the music. Don’t hold on to a couple of notes. Let them pass, let them flow. The whole enjoyment of a symphony lies in your readiness to allow the notes to pass…”
~ Anthony de Mello

What IS Real Never Dies…

What is real can never die, the absolute truth of LOVE and Infinity IS what IS real and you are ever a part of LOVE and Infinity; in the absolute truth that IS what IS, there is no life, no death, only BEING LOVE without end…

just LOVE…
“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” ~ Platowoman_between_the_stars_by_corinazone-d768ubt

Two Masters

The master of LOVE, Soul, what IS, is the master I choose NOW to serve — no longer to the master of fear, matter, what is not, shall I be a slave, as torn between two am I content, not one moment more to suffer…

just LOVE…
“A life is either all spiritual or not spiritual at all. No man can serve two masters. Your life is shaped by the end you live for. You are made in the image of what you desire.” ~ Thomas Merton

Running towards the light

Running towards the light

Reality of Unity…

The greatest blessing of LOVE one can give their true self (when ready) is letting go of the complex struggle in the experience of the illusion duality and returning to the simple bliss of the reality of unity…

just LOVE…
“The deepest of level of communication is not communication, but communion. It is wordless … beyond speech … beyond concept.” ~ Thomas Merton


Forgiving The Shatterer

LOVE not only gives us the strength to pick up the pieces and put back together the shattered mirror that can be our lives, but it also gives us the strength to forgive the pain born rage of the shatterer.

just LOVE…
“There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.” ~ Bryant H. McGill


Heaven, Hell… Our To Make

Heaven is not a physical place, in the realm of matter, it is a way to BE the experience of LOVE you are, the true self is, as is hell and everything both imaginable and not, in the infinite between — the endless choices being manifested by consciousness of how to BE, are always ours to make…

just LOVE…
“Heaven have mercy on us all – Presbyterians and Pagans alike – for we are all somehow dreadfully cracked about the head, and sadly need mending.” ~ Herman Melville


In Duality Drowning…

The warrior poet fought in vain to stay above the rising waters of fear’s storm’s torrential rains, but for his near drowning in the tempest of duality, to be quelled, undone, his only choice was to BE, Soul’s Sole Self again accepting in peace what is — standing in LOVE’S ever shining Sun…

just LOVE…
“There are neither good nor bad qualities in the Self. The Self is free from all qualities. Qualities pertain to the mind only. It is beyond quality. If there is unity, there will also be duality. The numerical one gives rise to other numbers. The truth is neither one nor two. It is as it is.” ~ Ramana Maharshi


Forgiveness and Healing…

Before forgiveness can be granted that LOVE’S healing may begin, we must stop wounding ourselves intentionally with fear –

Remember; LOVE is to abundance, as fear is to scarcity…

just LOVE…
“Forgiving is love’s toughest work, and love’s biggest risk. If you twist it into something it was never meant to be, it can make you a doormat or an insufferable manipulator. Forgiving seems almost unnatural. Our sense of fairness tells us people should pay for the wrong they do. But forgiving is love’s power to break nature’s rule.” ~ Lewis B. Smedes



What supposedly sets the human species apart from all others is their much vaunted awareness of self — but other than spending much time and effort examining and explaining their reflection — they do not seem to understand that what makes this awareness of such great and unique value — is that they alone, have within their grasp the ability to make the conscious choice as to whether they thrive giving in LOVE or become extinct hoarding in fear — as most if not all other species evolution or lack thereof is random luck of the draw — with some working organically together like ants that all may succeed, while others become parasitic or cannibalistic, devouring themselves into no longer being — like, oh say; man…

just LOVE…
“We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
