Monthly Archives: November 2016

Freedom Unfettered…

LOVE unconditional is freedom unfettered. Freed from brain/body perceiving of a finite singular “I”, by mind/spirit perceiving the infinite stories of we, to mind/spirit freed by consciousness/soul perceiving of whole; there, home. freed to BE complete with the source-less source that is LOVE without condition, that is Infinity itself…

“All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man’s life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom.” ~ ALBERT EINSTEIN11811459_939594142766809_6257998433373819044_n.jpg

No Matter the Experience…

Limitless, purposeful, harmonious, euphoric, blissful, all aspects of self flowing in unison. This is what it feels like to BE whole as LOVE no matter the experience the Soul, consciousness chooses to have. Rather than being fragmented egos, frightened, confused, lost, fighting against what is, as most in this story are feeling now…

It is not our heads or our bodies which we must bring together, but our hearts. . . . Humanity. . . is building its composite brain beneath our eyes. May it not be that tomorrow, through the logical and biological deepening of the movement drawing it together, it will find its heart, without which the ultimate wholeness of its power of unification can never be achieved?” ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardininner-journey

LOVE Shines…

Where capitalism survives, scarcity is the rule and democracy dies

Where true democracy thrives, abundance is the rule and LOVE shines…

“Modern capitalism needs men who cooperate smoothly and in large numbers; who want to consume more and more; and whose tastes are standardized and can be easily influenced and anticipated … what is the outcome? Modern man is alienated from himself, from his fellow man and from nature.”
~ ERICH FROMM, quoted in Wisdom for the Soul1ef3644f364462985d74b740914f4e8d

Separated By Infinity…

Home, whole, source,
Being still, being silent, gently welcoming

No thoughts, no words, no explanation,
Just feeling without emotion

No body, no ego, no desire, no “I”,
Only LOVE’s blissful euphoric embrace

Tapestries innately interwoven, stories ever entwined,
Yet separated by Infinity…

“One thus sees that a new kind of theory is needed which
drops these basic commitments and at most recovers
some essential features of the older theories as abstract
forms derived from a deeper reality in which what prevails in unbroken wholeness.” ~ David Bohmquote-the-attainment-of-wholeness-requires-one-to-stake-one-s-whole-being-nothing-less-will-carl-jung-58-94-92

Unable to Imagine…

Fear is an executioners black hood over humanities consciousness that hides from our hearts the infinite certainties of being that LOVE gifts us to choose from and so here we are trapped in rhyming loops, failing nearly the exact same why over and over and over again.

Some time, when the cautionary tale of mankind’s demise is discussed by more enlightened beings than we, all they will say is, “The human being is no more because their fear kept them from imagining other. They perished from lack of imagination, an inability to see through the illusion of their shadow, to LOVE’s light beyond.”

But there is still hope, all we must do is choose to remove our collective blinders of fear and free our true selves, to imagine as LOVE…

“There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds.” ~G.K. Chestertonoriginal

LOVE’s Day of Humility…

LOVE asks us this day to BE grateful for the gift of humility, as without the ability to be humble one cannot be truly thankful…

Many blessings of LOVE to all…

Let us humbly honor and give praise to our Native American brothers and sisters who cherished and gave thanks for this land of abundance everyday, long before the men of the west came to Turtle Island, to take it as their own.

In loving solidarity with the peaceful protectors of all life at Standing Rock.

“Be humble if thou wouldst attain to Wisdom. Be humbler still, when Wisdom thou hast mastered.” ~ Helena P. Blavatskyearthmama1

Thanking My Pain…

Injury upon injury. illness after illness, heartbreak chasing heartbreak, some self inflicted, some not, but however these agonies came to be, I am remembering more and more with each, to LOVE and honor my pain and the discomfort it represents.

For my pain is only LOVE reminding me that this world of matter is illusion and not one that I should grow to comfortable in or to fond of, as comfort leads to complacency and fondness to addiction. I see my personal pain as mirror representation of the human collective, as it struggles to break free of physical story they are not, but have grown to comfortable in and to fond of.

I feel LOVE imploring me with every ache to be a voice shaking us from our complacency in mortal shell, a hand shattering the looking glass in which our false reflection lurks feeding our addiction. So that those who choose may be free of pain, free of the finite facade of flesh and all the ridiculous absurd madness it manifests.

Our pain is growing and growing, soon it will grow more powerful than the fear that has kept us caged in our perverse mirages of comfort and convenience. I am here to share with all that have ears to hear and eyes to see that once we step beyond our fear of the unknown, LOVE’S unbound blissful freedom is always there waiting infinitely.

Let us give thanks then to our pain for not allowing us to become to complacent, to addicted to these finite fairy tales of duality that in absolute truth we are not…

“Your pain is the breaking of the shell
that encloses your understanding.”
~ Khalil Gibranti-rwyvr

Of LOVE and Sacrifice…

The difference between being LOVE as LOVE and love as fear, is LOVE as LOVE will always sacrifice itself for the greater good of all, for LOVE as LOVE is inspired by selflessness; love as fear will not, for love as fear is driven by ego to be selfish. For LOVE as LOVE knows there is no me, only we. Whilst love as fear thinks there is only I…

“Gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity
are the exclusive possession of no one race or religion.”
~ Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi

“Sacrifice everything, and give up nothing.”
~ Jonathan Lockwood Huiequote-every-moral-act-of-love-of-mercy-and-of-sacrifice-brings-to-pass-the-end-of-the-world-nikolai-berdyaev-90-56-00

The Pointless Seeker…

LOVE the source inspiration for all, can never know the source that inspired it to be inspired

Anymore than eternity can know the beginning or ending of the timelessness it defines

Anymore than Infinity can know the limits of the limitlessness it describes

Or a God that is omnipotent, omnipresent, can know her maker

Never knowing then would seem to be the common theme

That weaves together the endless stories of creation

The questions of why? Nothing can know answer…

So it would follow that it seems there are two choices of how to BE as LOVE and is not a choice between fear and LOVE (for even fear is LOVE) but rather it is a choice to be one who desperately seeking an ultimate answer, a final destination that does not exist or to BE one who is observing those desperately seeking.

Now having experienced LOVE as both, I choose to BE the blissful watcher accepting experience for experience sake, pure entertainment value, comforted by the truth I will always be left with more not knowing than knowing, over the plight of the pointless seeker who believes one day he will know all…

“Letting there be room for not knowing is the most important thing of all. When there’s a big disappointment, we don’t know if that’s the end of the story. It may just be the beginning of a great adventure. Life is like that. We don’t know anything. We call something bad; we call it good. But really we just don’t know.”
~ Pema Chödrönquote-by-replacing-fear-of-the-unknown-with-curiosity-we-open-ourselves-up-to-an-infinite-alan-watts-78-27-53