Lost Divinity…

Adolescence is when we first become aware that we have been separated from LOVE’S innate oneness, from that point on we begin the desperate search through the duality for the lost half of our divinity, our innocence, our truth, our reality now playing hide and seek inside the boundless dream named Infinity…

now share LOVE, all LOVE, just LOVE…
Kip Baldwin
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“Foolishness, radicalism, morbidity are marks of promising youth, the obvious signs of inward ferment. The melancholy pose, the affectation of pessimism and cynicism, the sentimentality, the conviction of genius, that many of us deplore or deride in certain young people, may be as natural to their age and disposition as the sense of immortality of which Hazlitt writes so feelingly in one of his essays. We should rejoice to find them. They are among the indications of spiritual growth.” ~ ~Robert M. Gay, “As I Laye A-Thynkynge,” The Atlantic Monthly, January 19173773483-Wayne-W-Dyer-Quote-We-ve-lost-the-sense-of-our-own-divinity-We

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