Why Be Thankful?

Be grateful, Be thankful, for without gratitude and thankfulness, one cannot truly experience Being the LOVE they are. Sing it with me Now; I Am grateful, I Am thankful, I Am LOVE…

A Blessed Day of giving thanks to All, for All!!!

just LOVE…
Kip Baldwin
#justLOVEmovement #justagape #kipbaldwin #EvanHirsch #SOUL #AllLOVE #summerofunconditionalLOVE #loveonhaight #jamminon #loveistheanswer #oshalla #souldocumentary
“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” ~ Gilbert K. Chestertonwear-gratitude-like-a-cloak-and-it-will-feed-every-corner-of-your-life-quote-1

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